Your Rates Decides Your Future

We must unite as Owner-Operators and Lease-Operators  to save and fix the trucking industry. Together, we can make the change we need.

Bad trucking companies are our worst enemy!

Say NO to Brainwashing

Knowing the average Rates Per Mile is important

Knowing the average rates per mile is the first sign that tells you if you are in a good company or not. Many Owner-Operators and Lease-Operators have been driving around for years without really knowing how their rates compare to the real average rates of the current market. Unfortunately, that in many cases drives them to failure.

Alone - You are Weak. Together - We are Strong.

Few of your benefits joining Rates Per Mile:

Weekly statistics on real rates per mile from real owner-operators

Get valuable insights on average of real rates per mile through weekly statistics. Analyze data to identify key trends and make informed decisions for maximum profitability. Our comprehensive reporting tools provide the latest data on a weekly basis, keeping you ahead of the curve. Start leveraging the power of weekly statistics today to take your business to new heights!

Comparing your weekly performance vs the market

Companies often have excuses for getting you bad loads, but comparing your weekly rates to the market’s average rates can help you determine whether you should stick with your current company or look for better options. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal in this business for you is to make money, which is crucial for survival.

Access to data about companies with rates below the average

There are many bad trucking companies that promise a lot but pay below the average rates per mile. Not knowing about this can lead you to make bad decisions. Whether the reason for below average rates is an inexperienced dispatch team, not paying you the full rate, or something else, knowing which companies to avoid can prevent you from losing money. 

Very easy, Annonymously and Free

You can easily share your weekly loads by emailing us your weekly settlement and we will calculate your rates per mile for you. Just make sure you hide any personal information. Once we import the loads rate info into our weekly database all of the data you shared is automatically erased. It’s simple and easy. We don’t need your name or any personal information.

All we ask is that you share this free website with your friends. The faster we grow, the sooner we can improve the industry.

Together United Against Trucking Tyranny


What if WE expose the bad Trucking Companies?

Here are some of the advantages for Owner-Operators and Lease-Operators if, together, we expose the bad trucking companies.



Owner-Operators will no longer work for companies with low Rates Per Mile.

Either those companies should raise their standards or shut their doors.



You will no longer believe the lies and excuses about bad markets or brokers once you realize that you can earn much more with another company.



Many trucking companies these days focus on quantity rather than quality.

The profit is higher dispatching 8 Owner-Operators with low paid loads than 4 with good quality loads.

However, those days are coming to an end.



Many trucking companies base their success on recruitment, often followed by empty promises.

If a company hires 20 Owner-Operators and 10 leave, they still have 10 left to generate profits. The cycle continues for bad companies, affecting recruitment in the long run. We are here to break that cycle and ensure fair treatment.

Comparing Yours vs. Others' Rates Per Mile is Important

Confronting the Brutal Truth

of our industry

You need to keep up with cost of living

About 10 years ago, an Owner-Operator made around $2,500 a week after expenses. Today, equipment costs have doubled, and the prices of houses, cars, and living have more than doubled. But Owner-Operators’ weekly paychecks are still about the same as they were 10 years ago.

If trucking fails, Owner-Operators will lose the most

While most trucking companies these days are in business purely to make profits, they hold enough money to start a brand new business overnight if trucking fails. For company drivers, trucking is just a well-paid job, so they can switch jobs easily without much stress about it. However, as Owner-Operators and Lease-Opeators we are risking getting into debt and loosing everything…loosing houses, trucks, cars, even marriages, and switching a career for us it would be a nightmare.

Trucking companies are often stealing from Owner-Operators

The market may be tough, but it’s rare for a trucking company that hires Owner-Operators and Lease-Operators to see it struggle financially. However, in many cases (especially in a bad market), these companies may steal from the Owner-Operators’ and Lease-Operators’ rates to keep up with their expenses.

You need well-maintained equipment

DOT requires you to drive well-maintained equipment, assuming that Owner-Operators purposly don’t want to keep their equipment well-maintained because they’re unwilling to spend. But the real question is: can Owner-Operators afford that with low paid loads?

Extremly high operational cost

The maintenance cost has increased from 9 cents per mile to around 16 cents per mile in only a few years. On top of that, parts shortages, high fuel costs, towing, and tolls are just a few factors that can easily put you out of business.

Can you compete with the future

We can see how rapidly technology is changing. Despite the excuse of parts shortage, all car manufacturers managed to come up with electric cars during the pandemic. However, a rule prohibiting the use of trucks that are older than three years can potentially bankrupt you since upgrading to newer equipment can be costly. For many Owner-Operators, purchasing a new or even a slightly used truck can be overwhelming and out of reach due to the expenses involved.

Yet, there is more problems to solve

They've been lying to us with fake statistics

For years, companies and agencies have been sharing misleading statistics about rates per mile, using manipulative calculation methods.

Take these two loads as an example: one covered 200 miles for $1,000, and the other covered 500 miles for the same amount of $1,000. This means one load paid 5 dollar per mile and the other 2 dollar per mile. Technically, the average of these two loads is 3.50 dollar per mile (calculated by dividing the total of $7 by 2 loads). However, in reality, you traveled a total of 700 miles for $2,000, averaging 2.85 dollar per mile.

Only We Can Save Our Industry

Three Friends Owner-Operators Working to Save the Industry

We have a combined experience of over 30 years as Owner-Operators and have always looked for ways to support each other in the industry. With this platform, funded from our own budgets, you can easily and anonymously share your rates and help us obtain real average rates per mile. We’ll then share the statistics with you and other truckers.

Additionally, we are developing features that will enable Owner-Operators and Lease-Operators to identify companies with below-average rates per mile, giving you more transparency and better choices.

Share your rate to make trucking great


Let's Compare the Potential Profits

In the following 3 scenarios, we can see the difference in how much profit an Owner-Operator or Lease-Operator could make per year while getting different rates per mile for driving 100,000 miles annually.

Very Small Profit
Below Average Rates Per Mile

100,000 miles per year


per mile

Medium Profit
Average Rates Per Mile

100,000 miles per year


per mile

Large Profit
Above Average Rates Per Mile

100,000 miles per year


per mile

If you haul cheap freight, it implies that we are not entitled to better pay.


How Dispatchers Impact your Success

There are two types of dispatchers: Good and Bad Dispatchers

For the average market rate to be $2.2 per mile, some dispatchers are getting $2.5 per mile while others are getting $1.9 per mile. This shows that there are two types of dispatchers: one working hard to get the highest rates possible, and another lowering market rates. The first type should be rewarded, while we need to collectively eliminate the second type that harms us. Many trucking company owners are unaware of this issue and are misled by bad dispatchers who blame brokers for cheap loads. We help trucking company owners see the real market situation and identify and fire bad dispatchers for the better.

A bad dispatcher will make you struggle, but a good dispatcher will make you successful. Dispatchers are a major reason companies go out of business; if they find loads that don’t cover expenses, there is no plan B for that company.

It's easier to blame the Brokers and the Market

Excuses are everywhere in trucking these days, with dispatchers always making them

It’s easy for trucking companies to blame the brokers, but brokers face their own struggles and aren’t entirely at fault.

If we get paid 7 dollar per mile, brokers receive a higher commission and are happy to see rates increase. However, when the rate is 2 dollar per mile, there’s barely enough to go around for either party.

Many trucking companies, due to incompetence and poor management, compete to secure loads at lower rates just to keep their trucks running, even if it means operationg at a loss. If you were a broker, would you offer higher rates when dispatchers are fighting to lower them?

The real problem lies with poorly managed trucking companies and ineffective dispatchers, not the brokers.

Don’t forget that we’ve been fighting the wrong enemy. For trucking companies, even a small commission from low gross revenue can be profitable. But for you, low gross revenue might mean operating at a loss. Remember who the real problem is. Only by working together can we save our industry.

The impact of Bad Dispatchers on Broker Relationships

A good dispatcher - broker relationship will result in a successful trucking company

For the average market rate to be $2.2 per mile, some dispatchers are getting $2.5 per mile while others are getting $1.9 per mile. This shows that there are two types of dispatchers: one working hard to get the highest rates possible, and another lowering market rates. The first type should be rewarded, while we need to collectively eliminate the second type that harms us. Many trucking company owners are unaware of this issue and are misled by bad dispatchers who blame brokers for cheap loads. We help trucking company owners see the real market situation and identify and fire bad dispatchers for the better.

A bad dispatcher will make you struggle, but a good dispatcher will make you successful. Dispatchers are a major reason companies go out of business; if they find loads that don’t cover expenses, there is no plan B for that company.

How it works


Sign Up the form

The first step is to sign up using the “Get Started” button. Once you have filled out the form, we will review it to ensure that you are either an owner-operator or a lease-operator before we can accept your request to join.

Take a screenshot of your settlement


After receiving your weekly or bi-weekly settlement, take a screenshot of it.


Crop the image and cover your info


After taking screenshot of the settlement the next step is to use the pen function and cover all personal information. After this, crop the image to remove any area outside the settlement, leaving only the settlement and load information. 
You don’t have to crop and cover your info but we don’t need to know who you are.

Save the file and share


Save the edited file and share it with us via email, which will be provided in the instructions you receive after signing up.


Repeat the process with each new settlement


It’s that simple. These steps are easy to recall and follow. It won’t take you more than 40 seconds from start to finish each time.

You will receive weekly notifications of your rates per mile and your performance compared to current market rates, ensuring that your decisions are always in your best interest.

Some extra Info Remove later

Getting cheap loads is not affecting most trucking companies

What is destroying the current rates

How will this benefit the industry?

can we change something or is it too late

Why companies continue taking cheap loads?

Trucking companies are charging you a commission fee, so even if they are the most honest company and pay you 100% of the agreed rate they are still making profits of the rates they get. But are you?